
Excel student loan template
Excel student loan template



This main tracking tab within the file is the most important and is the one that you will update over time with your student loan information. Tracking Tab to House all your Student Loan Details


There are instructions within the spreadsheet on how to find all your student loans, regardless of whether they are federal, private, or through a State. Instructions on Where to Find your Student Loans This helps you easily jump to different sections of the spreadsheet. This student loan spreadsheet has so many features that a table of contents felt necessary.


You can get the free student loan spreadsheet by entering your email below, or feel free to scroll through to see screenshots and more detail of the various features. Interest – Curious how much of each individual payment is going towards interest versus principal? This tool will help you visualize it.

  • Federal Poverty Guidelines – Helps with calculating income-driven repayment.
  • Income-Driven Repayment Calculator – Shows your estimated monthly payment under the various income-driven repayment plans.
  • Weighted Average Interest Rate Calculation – Simplifies various calculations by giving you one interest rate that can be used in all your student loan repayment calculations.
  • Student Loan Repayment Calculators – Three different student loan calculators that help you visualize what sort of impact putting additional dollars towards your loans will have.
  • This will be where all your student loan detail is laid out in a nice snapshot.
  • Tracking Tab to House all your Student Loan Details – The most important part of the spreadsheet.
  • Instructions on Where to Find your Student Loans – Whether you have federal, private, or state student loans, there are instructions on how to find the details of your student loans.
  • This is no one-tab spreadsheet that was thrown together in ten minutes. it was simplistic, but this new version is leagues ahead of it. We continue to use a spreadsheet to track our student loans. The very first draft I created was just for my personal use. I’ve been working on iterations of this spreadsheet for the past couple of years. Which brings me to the student loan spreadsheet I’m sharing with you today. The one thing you can do, though, is feel in control. There is no magical way to get rid of them quickly, especially if you have a lot of them. As computer scientists we are trained to communicate with the dumbest things in the world – computers – so you’d think we’d be able to communicate quite well with people. I recreated them, the new entries showed up and there was no problem when I deleted the 2 problem rows.īlame it on data gremlins, or the impending "Blue Moon" this weekend. That had no impact on your specific issue.īut as to why the 2 rows you had problems with, I don't have a clue. Well there is the unexpected cells copied inappropriately into Tuesday. There it is, your schedule as you want it. Now I add the missing / problem Friday class I couldn't see anything wrong with any of the data, but it didn't work, so I made it "go away". I deleted your copy of the line that didn't work on thursday, for epy 608. Apparently someone inappropriately manually copied a block from thursday to Tuesday instead of making the required entry in the class list table. I copied the cell above the first problem cell on tuesday the pasted down over the unwanted block. I moved the table definition to include the bottom row of data, andĢ blocks showed up, the correct/ expected one and one on Tuesday starting at 5:45! I've added a recreation of the first problem row, but I moved it outside of the table, so I don't expect to see it, and that expectation is met. In this screen capture I've highlighted your 2 problem rows, the ones that persist in not showing up. I now opened a second Window on the sheet so I can see both tabs at the same time I sorted your data by day and time, I find it more orderly and easier to compare between the 2 tabs. Next I created a new class "wahoo 666" on friday. They look OK, nothing obvious, no leading or tailing spaces. So the next thing I tried was looking at your 2 data rows. I tried evaluating the formula, didn't see anything. The formulas were in place and appeared to be correct. I checked the cells that would be filled by the formula. First thing I check is to confirm that the new entries are part of the class list table.

    Excel student loan template